True or False: The primary function of your website is to generate interest and leads for your dealership.

If you agree that this statement is true, then would it be fair to assume that your website is focused on providing people with a simple and intuitive way to get information on vehicles, and to contact the dealership once they see something they like?

Much has changed in the automotive industry over the last 10 years. Google has built cars that drive themselves, and fully electric vehicles are much more accessible than they once were. With all these great advances in technology, one might expect that the way dealerships are run would have seen a similar degree of advancement.

I am fortunate to have the benefit of meeting and working with new Canadian dealerships every week, and when you speak to as many dealers as I do, you see some common threads start to emerge. Even today, dealership websites are first and foremost viewed by the management as a place for people to view their cars online.

In 2004, that might have been accurate — in 2014, your website is the new front line of your business. It’s where the majority of your customers are coming from and one of your greatest assets. So why aren’t you giving it the level of attention needed to make it truly great?

The majority of your website traffic is landing on one page, that isn’t getting nearly enough love from you …

Introducing the VDP

First things first, what is a VDP? (Hint: It’ not a Vicious Dinosaur Plumber) A VDP is a Vehicle Details Page. This is the page where people will be able to view information on individual new and used vehicles on your website.

The VDP is one of, if the not the most important page on your website. Studies have shown that 90 percent of website visitors will land on a VDP at some point during their visit. This is where the magic happens.

Have You Customized Your VDP?

Most dealers aren’t aware that their VDP is as customizable as any car on their showroom floor. With less than 10 companies providing 90 percent of the website solutions to dealers in Canada, there isn’t a whole lot of variety out there.

All VDP’s are not created equally; some convert much better than others. In one instance, an overhaul of a dealer clients’ VDP led to a 45 percent increase in conversion for that particular page. This increase in conversion resulted in a healthy spike in lead generation, while total monthly website traffic remained relatively unchanged.

VDPs should always be customized and tested, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution out there — every market and brand is different.

So now that we are aware of this major pitfall, let’s look at the things you can do to smash the mold and make your VDP your own.

The All-Important CTA

 Second things second – What is a CTA? (Hint: It’s not the Canadian Triceratops Association). A CTA is a call to action. This a button or image on a webpage that is designed to get people to, you guessed it, take action!

No VDP is complete without a compelling CTA. Today, the average VDP has 8 CTA’s – that’s a whole-lotta-options for car shoppers. Conversion science in the e-commerce business shows that more is not necessarily better. Ecommerce juggernauts like Amazon or Zappos take a very different approach, giving users two prominent CTA’s above the digital fold.

Why is this? The philosophy is simple — don’t give people too many options, and funnel them where you want them to go. While the automotive industry is different from full-on ecommerce industries, it’s interesting to compare how different the average dealership website is to your average e-commerce site.

Your CTA’s should reflect what you want consumers to do while on your website. Is your top priority getting them to share the vehicle on twitter? I hope not, because very few, if any, do this. How about the “Make an Offer” button? If an up walks on the lot, are the first words out of your product adviser’s mouth, “Want to make an offer on this car?” Of course not, you’d never start a conversation like that on the lot, so don’t start a conversation like that online.

Why Should Anyone Buy From You?

When a car shopper visits a VDP they are ultimately looking for two things:

  1. A car.

Anyone visiting a VDP on your website is looking for a new or used car.

  1. A dealership to purchase from. Brand loyalty is at an all-time low, and consumers are more open-minded to switching from dealership to dealership, based on their perception of value.

Most VDP’s have plenty of information on the car, but what about the dealership? My 10-dealer spot-check yielded not one dealership who had customized their VDP with a unique value proposition of any sort.

Consider this – Your new inventory is nearly identical to every other same-franchise dealer in your city/province. Your used inventory, while slightly more varied, is quite comparable to the other used inventory pieces that are available in your local market at any given time.

Knowing this, wouldn’t it make sense to use some of the VDP real estate to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Why should they buy from you, as opposed to the dealer down the street?

If you don’t tell them, no one will.

The Other Stuff …

High-quality photos, strategic pricing and custom descriptions are all essential components of an effective VDP. If you aren’t prioritizing the above mentioned items, consider what your shoppers are looking for when they click through to the VDP. They want to see what it looks like and how much it’s going to cost them, and they also need a reason to pick this vehicle over the others they have looked at.

Putting it All Into Perspective

If you’re anything like most dealers in Canada, you likely have invested millions of dollars in both the land and physical structure of your dealership. While one could make a counter argument that this is money well spent, data doesn’t lie.

On average, dealership websites get 10 to 15 times more visitors than their showroom floors do. If your website is falling short, the most incredible facility and remarkable sales team will always underachieve.

If you build it, they will come.

Want to talk websites, VDP’s, conversion, etc.? Kevin Gordon is always up for a chat.

Kevin Gordon is an international speaker and thought leader in the automotive industry, regularly speaking at conferences across North America. Kevin co-founded Convertus, a digital marketing solutions provider for dealers. Learn more at