AutoIMS has promoted director Keely Smith to the role of vice president of contracts and business services.

Smith has been with the company since March 2002, when she joined as head of customer service and was one of the early employees at AutoIMS.

She eventually began managing customer contracts billing and compliance. In her new post, Smith will head up contracts, billing, risk management and compliance matters.

During her time at AutoIMS, she had led the development of a risk management program for company clients and her team has heled automate several aspects of the company’s operations.

Smith was one of Auto Remarketing’s Women in Remarketing honorees in 2012.

“Keely’s 20 years of success demonstrates a legacy of relationships, growth, and dedication. Keely’s strength is in managing customer relationships and she has long-term friends in the industry who trust and respect her judgment. She enjoys reinforcing the value proposition of AutoIMS during contract negotiations and helps ensure win-win outcomes for both parties,” AutoIMS chief executive officer Venkat Krishnamoorthy said in a news release.

“Keely is an amazing steward of our data compliance standards. Protecting our clients’ data and the company’s data assets has always been forefront for her. She is also very active in sharing her experience with the industry and serves as a co-chair of the IARA Compliance committee.”

Smith, who worked at MCI WorldCom before joining AutoIMS, added: “Being lucky enough to transition from telecom to remarketing technology 20 years ago changed my life. I’ll always be grateful to Don Meadows for investing in me and teaching me about the industry.

“It’s a blessing and an honor to work for a company that truly strives to help its clients be successful. I would not have gotten this far without the help and support of Venkat, our entire AutoIMS team, and industry friends. I look forward to what’s in our future and continuing to contribute to our industry’s success.”