COSTA MESA, Calif. - said the second half of 2011 showed continued growth for the site, as the unique visitor count climbed 12 percent.

August, in particular, was the most heavily trafficked month the online research portal indicated it has ever had.

As for the automotive section, it showed a 9-percent traffic hike versus calendar-year 2010.

Officials said this section “peaked in August, recording the highest number of unique visitors on”

Offering some overall commentary on the site’s growth, NADAguides director of product development Troy Snyder had this to say: “As the largest publisher of vehicle data online we are a leading resource for in-market vehicle shoppers and by analyzing their traffic search patterns we are able to gauge consumer interest and trends.

“ site traffic has had significant increases year over year, especially in 2011, indicating more and more consumers are researching before they buy and are increasingly more knowledgeable before they make their purchase,” he added.

Sharing some trends from other sections, the motorcycle, ATVs and utility vehicle section climbed 18 percent year-over-year, with the second half up 21 percent. The first half showed 14-percent growth.

The classic cars section jumped 13 percent from 2010, with the fourth quarter showing month-over-month increases of 24 percent, 25 percent and 26 percent in October, November and December.

The boats and personal watercraft section was up 10 percent compared to 2010. July was the strongest month ever for boats and personal watercraft.

Meanwhile, RV traffic during the second half climbed 10 percent.

Additionally, the second half showed  a 30-percent rise in unique visitors for the mobile site. Officials contend that 8 percent of all traffic is through mobile site visitors.