Price drops in the lanes heated up this past week, with both the cars and trucks seeing larger declines.

According to the latest “Beggs on the Used Car Market” report, the car segments saw prices drop by an average of $73, while trucks fell by an average of $64.

Black Book editorial director Ricky Beggs pointed out both these numbers mark greater declines than the prior week.

That said, the stats look very similar to this time last year for the cars – during the same week last year, car segments saw a drop of $77.

And though a $64 drop might not seem like a lot, this is actually the largest drop for the trucks since the week of Feb. 21.

The truck segments have seen consistently stronger-than-average price drops this year, so it seems the pickup market is experiencing some corrections in the second half of the year.

“This level of change within the trucks did not really occur with any consistency in 2013 until a little later in the year, around the middle of October and first part of November,” said Beggs. “We will keep our attention on these segments to see if this level of change will continue overall through the remainder of 2014.”

Seeing the heaviest declines this past week were the luxury SUVs and the full-size SUVs, which fell by $240 and $133, respectively.

“Two weeks ago the full-size crossovers stood out with a change of minus-$195, and was still at a noticeable level this week, even though much less at minus-$87. There is no question about the large utilities and a pattern of larger adjustments,” Beggs reported.

Beggs pointed out the real “softness” in the market for the cars and trucks is centered around the more expensive units, while the less expensive vehicles are holding their prices.

The smaller declines last week were seen among the entry midsize cars, the entry level cars and the compact cars.

Interestingly, Beggs pointed out this trend may be a sign of the economy, as gas prices are low and are having little to no impact on wholesale prices.

To view the latest “Beggs on the Used Car Market” video report, see above.