CARY, N.C. -

Anyone in the used-car biz knows just how important the role of commercial consignors are in the remarketing cycle.

And that’s why Auto Remarketing Canada decided to launch its inaugural “Spotlight on Commercial Consignors” section.

This section, highlighting the leading consignors in the Canadian used-car industry, will run in the upcoming Auto Remarketing Canada Wholesale Issue, which will arrive in your inboxes later this fall.

This section will provide listings of commercial consignors that include addresses and primary contacts for each company, as well as a bit of info about what makes each of these companies stand out.

If you are part of a consignment business in Canada, listen up! To make sure your company makes it into this new section, you will need to send the following information to Auto Remarketing Canada editor Sarah Rubenoff by Friday, Nov. 6: 

  • Name of company
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Primary Contact, title, and headshot
  • Company logo 
  • Consignors are also invited to provide a brief quote about their services

To see an example of a “Spotlight on Commercial Consignors” section, take a look at sister publication Auto Remarketing’s recent issue.

We look forward to highlighting Canada’s top consignors and offering our readers even more information to improve their businesses and make more industry partnerships.