EDMONTON, Alberta -

The Alberta Motor Vehicle Council is tightening its consumer protection education requirements to improve compliance with the laws.

As such, any automotive salesperson who has been out of the industry for more than three years must now successfully retake the salesperson Fair Trading Act course before being granted a new registration to sell vehicles.

"It is a really important move to ensure salespeople who have been out of practice are fully aware of the laws and regulations they are required to follow," Paul Williams, newly elected chairman of the AMVIC board of directors, said in a news release. "Think of it as refresher training to promote compliance."

The salesperson Fair Trading Act course is a comprehensive overview and examination of the automotive-related consumer protection laws that AMVIC enforces. The interactive, online course may be completed at one’s own pace during a 30-day window, and includes a final exam.

In 2015, AMVIC started requiring all automotive salespeople to successfully complete the course before entering the sales floor and being issued a salesperson registration. Previously, there was a three-month grace period where they could legally sell vehicles before attempting the course.

In 2014, AMVIC added more content to the course and moved it online.

"Each improvement we make to our educational requirements strengthens consumer protection and increases professionalism throughout the industry," Laura Lowe, AMVIC's manager of communications and education, said.

The refresher training requirement is one of the first policy changes the board made under Williams, a representative of the Motor Dealers’ Association of Alberta. Williams was elected chairman through acclamation on June 21.

For more information about the course, click here.