Announced this morning, Mercedes-Benz Canada will have a new president and chief executive officer come Jan. 1, 2016.

The company informed its employees and dealer network today that Gareth Joyce will take over for Tim Reuss as president and CEO come the first of the new year.

Reuss will transition to president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Portugal, effective Jan. 1.

Joyce began his auto career in 2004 with DaimlerChrysler South Africa as senior technical manager.

Three years later, he was named vice president of after-sales for Mercedes-Benz South Africa. Joyce has also held additional executive roles within the Daimler organization, in the Netherlands, and most recently in the U.S.

Since joining Mercedes-Benz USA in February of 2012, Gareth has served as the VP of customer services, where he has been responsible for setting the strategic direction for Daimler's after-sales market and managing its parts revenue portfolio. 

Reuss has held the leadership position a Mercedes-Benz Canada since 2011, and under his guidance, the company said the automaker has achieved the No. 1 position in the Canadian luxury market.

The company shared he also played a large role in developing the dealer network in Canada as well as generating growth leading to record sales for the company for several years in a row.  

He was also instrumental in further developing the breadth of the dealer network in Canada as well as generating compounded growth coupled with record sales for the company for several years in a row.

“During his tenure, Reuss worked closely with his team and his dealers to launch and improve numerous processes to manage this growth notwithstanding many renovations and large expansions of existing facilities as well as several brand new dealerships erected from the ground up, including three of the corporately-owned stores,” company management shared.

Mercedes-Benz Canada explained Reuss’s work has helped bring the dealer network’s respective infrastructures to “optimal operational levels,” which has prepared the company to implement its pan-Canadian "Best Customer Experience" program.