Auto Remarketing Canada is recognizing the 2022 Women & Automotive: Profiles honorees in this digital issue of the magazine and at Canada's Used Car Week next week at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto.

Leading up to the event, ARC has been posting Q&As with each of the Women & Automotive honorees on this website.

Next up is Natascha Jung, who is director of customer experience at AutoVerify.

Auto Remarketing Canada: What do you enjoy most about working in automotive, and what would you change?

Natascha Jung: I love that the automotive industry is going through a digital revolution. It’s been a long time coming, but COVID-19 definitely kicked the transition into high gear. With restrictions disrupting the traditional sales model, more and more dealerships are open to exploring digital options. It’s exciting to be part of our changing industry! However, there is always room for improvement.

There are signifi cant diff erences in the ways dealerships are adopting new technologies. Some dealers are much more technologically advanced than others. I’d like to see more digital equalization across the automotive sector — offering access to (and adoption of!) digital tools for all dealerships.

ARC: What piece of career advice would you have for someone new to the industry?

Jung: Automotive is my second career, and one I didn’t expect to fi nd myself in. Many times, people think they can’t break into a new sector, but it is possible — you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other! Th e path I took to my current role wasn’t a straight line; it took twists and turns. My advice is to always take a moment to check in with yourself. Are you on the right path for you? If not, what’s the next step? Also, don’t be discouraged by what others say to you.

The location or position you’re in today might not be right for you, but if you have faith and keep looking, you’ll fi nd the right fit. My previous career was in the arts, and I remember a director telling an actor, “You’ll never work again if I can help it!”  The next year, the actor was on Broadway. That lesson has stuck with me through my career. Find where you fit, and success will follow. You shouldn’t have to force it.

ARC: What is your proudest moment/ accomplishment, career-wise?

Jung: To be honest, this is a pretty big moment for me and one that tops the list! Outside of being honored by Auto Remarketing Canada, I was recently promoted to director of customer experience at AutoVerify. I’m so honoured and proud of this accomplishment. I’m what I call a “finger-poker.” I don’t shy away from complex business problems. I get right in there and poke around, determined to find a solution. I also don’t accept “that’s the way we’ve always done it” as an answer — iteration is key to the success of any business in any industry.

Some companies don’t appreciate this type of tenacity, so I’m lucky to have found my home-awayfrom-home at a home-grown, Canadian, organization that values my work and embodies this philosophy.

ARC: What has been the top key to your success in retail automotive?

Jung: Hands down, persistence!