PORTLAND, Ore. — Compli recently announced that two attorneys with industry expertise will be presenting a free online seminar discussing issues pertaining to class-action lawsuits.

Aaron Jacoby of Venable, LLP, and Rob Cohen of Auto Advisory Services are hosting "Class Action Assessment & Prevention — Avoid the Lights Out Lawsuit" from noon to 1:30 p.m. EST on May 21.

Topics of their discussion are to include:

—Recent trends in increasing class-action lawsuits.

—Specific class-action exposure including: packing, contract rewrites, doc fees and negative equity, among other topics.

—Recommendations for determining potential exposure.

—Internal and external options and solutions for risk mitigation.

Officials added that there will be a question and answer period at the end of the discussion.

To sign up, visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/567795091.