Bryan Geist of masterQueue was one of several repossession industry experts who gave presentations during the 2019 Innovations in Recovery Summit hosted by Resolvion last fall in Dallas.

Geist began his presentation recollecting tactics some collections agents might have used in the past, pretending to be just about anyone by a company representative in hopes of locating a vehicle.

“Obviously, that would not fly today,” Geist told attendees. “If your staff attempted it now, they would be gone in a heartbeat.”

Geist continued with an overview of what makes a successful skip-tracer. Resolvion recently posted Geist’s presentation online to help other industry participants who might not have attended last fall’s event.

“Effective skip-tracing is still a critical part of a successful repossession strategy,” Resolvion said. “However, the challenge is much different than it used to be.

“In the old days it was all about finding a new piece of information and acting effectively on it,” the company added. “Today, the amount of data is overwhelming and the challenge is to how to interpret the data in the most effective manner.”

The video is available here as well as through the window at the top of this page.