NICB sees vehicle thefts accelerating to level not recorded in 14 years

Image by Daniel Jedzura /
One consequence of rising used-car prices that might fly under the radar: increases in auto theft.
Amid price conditions that make this activity more lucrative, vehicle and catalytic converter thefts and carjackings have impacted many U.S. cities with nationwide figures approaching levels not seen in 14 years.
New analysis from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released on Wednesday showed those illegal activities are getting worse and are projected to continue through the remainder of the year.
NICB reported nearly half a million vehicles were stolen during the first half of 2022 equating to an estimated $4.5 billion dollars’ worth of vehicle losses from thefts. The firm said this figure represents a 25% increase over the vehicle theft total reported for the first half of the year in 2019.
Additionally, NICB estimates 100,000 more vehicles will have been stolen by the end of the year in comparison to pre-pandemic totals.
“There is very little deterrent to stopping these criminals because vehicle thefts are property crimes,” National Insurance Crime Bureau president and CEO David Glawe said in a news release. “Since the start of the pandemic, used-car prices have increased 35 to 40 percent.
“Criminals are exploiting these high prices as vehicle and catalytic converter thefts are crimes of opportunity. And crime is a business, and business is good,” Glawe continued.
According to NICB, the U.S. is seeing the highest vehicle theft numbers since 2008, with no hopes for a downward trend anytime soon. Some cities with the largest increases between the first half of 2019 and the first half of 2022 include:
—Denver: 155% increase
—Philadelphia: 106% increase
—Austin, Texas: 64% increase
Separately, catalytic converter thefts have increased 1,215% nationwide since 2019, and carjackings have increased 160% to over 500% in some major cities since 2019, according to NICB.
“To stop this lawlessness, we must focus our attention on these criminals and take back our streets,” Glawe said. “We must re-invest in our law enforcement.”
Earlier in 2022, Glawe testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and offered six policy recommendations to help address the staggering crime statistics, including increasing community policing programs, revisiting well-intentioned criminal justice reform policies, enforcing the laws as written, focusing attention on violent offenders, collecting national and state data on carjackings and identifying and implementing successful early intervention programs.
NICB encourages vehicle owners to consider these tips to avoid becoming a victim of vehicle theft:
—Always practice good security hygiene.
—Make sure your auto policy is up to date.
—Roll up your windows, lock your doors, and take the keys or fob.
—Park in well-lit areas and, when possible, areas staffed by security
—Park personal vehicles in a garage. If not possible, and vehicles must be parked in a driveway, consider installing motion sensor security lights. While lights may not provide complete security, it may make some thieves think twice, making them leave the area and your vehicle untouched.