How important is a good photo on a vehicle display page?

Automotive photo, video and data collection company Redline decided to find out, and its recent survey showed consumers believe it’s very important.

The survey of 372 adults — including respondents who indicated they had shopped online for a vehicle in the past three years — found 95% of the respondents believe professional-looking photographs of vehicles on a dealership’s website significantly increase the perceived value of the vehicles.

The survey also showed 87% of consumers would click on a vehicle with a clear, well-lit, well-framed photo over one with a blurry, poorly lit or poorly framed photo. And 57% of car shoppers think a dealership featuring professional images would need to engage in less price negotiation.

Redline said those perceptions indicate “high-quality images attract potential buyers and empower dealerships to maintain their pricing integrity, leading to improved profit margins.”

According to Redline’s study, 94% of respondents expressed a preference for clicking on professional-looking photos first when browsing online inventories, which the company said shows “the critical role” of visual in capturing consumer attention in the competitive digital marketplace.

“Our survey demonstrates professional vehicle photography is not just about aesthetics. It directly influences consumer trust, confidence and ultimately a dealership’s bottom line,” Redline CEO Mike McGlade said in a news release. “By investing in high-quality images, dealerships can enhance their online presence, attract more serious buyers and achieve higher profit margins.”