Assurant plans to cover five primary topics in its comprehensive electric vehicle (EV) sales training course.

The course titled, “EV Sales Professional’s Blueprint” is designed to address the fundamental differences between EVs and traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and gives sales professionals the tools to grow their sales expertise ahead of the coming wave of EVs.

General course topics include:

—The consumer shift to EVs with nearly 45% of buyers open to buying an EV

—EV Basics: What are BEVs, HEVs and PHEVs? How do they differ?

—Affordability: Understanding fuel and maintenance costs of EVs

—EV charging levels: What’s best for each situation – Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3?

—Range and Batteries: Understanding and maximizing range, optimizing battery charging

“While there are many similarities between selling EVs and ICE vehicles, the most pronounced difference is communication between the customer and sales associate. The ownership experience is very different, making this EV-specific sales training program an essential tool for teaching how to properly consult the EV customer,” said Sean Browning, national vice president of Assurant Dealer Services Development & Training.

“Automotive retail has ideally involved advising as well as selling; understanding the needs of the EV buyer brings the dealer’s role as counselor to an entirely new level,” Browning continued.

After completing this course, Assurant retail sales professionals will be able to:

—Define the various types of electric vehicles

—Identify ownership aspects of EVs, including affordability, charging levels, range and batteries

—Communicate effectively with EV customers

—Address concerns of the EV customer

—Provide an effective ownership experience

—Demonstrate the benefits of an EV

—Demonstrate presentation skills to maximize EV profit opportunities

Browning added, “Just as ‘early adopter’ EV shoppers will have a better buying experience when they are well-informed, retail sales professionals who learn about and embrace the new technology and paradigm shifts in selling EVs will set themselves up for success by being able to effectively counsel their customers.”

To sign up for the training course, go to this website.