Manheim has partnered with Fusion Auto Finance to host its private store, allowing the provider of turnkey leasing programs for credit unions to consolidate its multiple disparate platforms into a single experience in the Manheim Marketplace.

The digital store offers Fusion Auto Finance’s dealership network access to fresh off-lease inventory in one place. The company has created the Fusion AutoXchange buyer portal for dealers to access the store.

“We are excited to join forces with Manheim, leveraging its industry-leading technology and expertise to take our remarketing to new heights,” Fusion Auto Finance vice president of remarketing Steve Swanson said. “The support from the Manheim team has been phenomenal, and the efficiencies gained from using this streamlined platform has set us up to grow and scale our business.”

In a news release, Manheim said the private store helps Fusion Auto Finance simplify and optimize its operations and gives its dealers access to an extensive network of wholesale vehicles to find the right inventory faster and meet the needs of their customers.

Fusion Auto Finance is also able to move cars from its private digital sale into Manheim’s open digital marketplace to reach an even larger audience for its unsold inventory and to access Manheim’s array of vehicle services.

“The collaboration between Fusion Auto Finance and Manheim is a testament to both companies’ commitment to innovation and customer-centric solutions,” Manheim digital senior vice president Zach Hallowell said. “We are thrilled to work alongside the Fusion Auto Finance team to enhance their remarketing operations and contribute to a better and more efficient experience for their dealership network.”

Manheim said it has invested more than $50 million in its commercial digital platforms over the past five years.