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FREDERICK, Md. — The National Auto Auction Association recently sent out a zone notification announcement to let members know that there will be an NAAA board of directors meeting next month to vote on redline revisions to the association's by-laws and a regulation requiring active participation of regular members.

The meeting will be held at 5 p.m. March 4 in Forum Room 19 at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.

To view a letter from NAAA president Dave Angelicchio and copies of the by-laws amendments and resolution, visit http://www.naaamap.com/NAAA/zones/zonemap_page.html.

"It is possible that minor amendments will be made to the resolution to be sure it complies with state law, and to the redline revisions of the by-laws, but there will be no changes of substance," officials emphasized.

In relation to these revisions and the Active Participation Resolution, there will also be meetings of NAAA Zone Boards and Zone members on March 3.

At these meetings, Zone Boards and members will vote on three resolutions. These would authorize transfer of their assets to NAAA, dissolution as legal entities and adoption of Zone Chapter Governance Procedures.

To view times, locations and documents visit: http://www.naaamap.com/NAAA/zones/zonemap_page.html.