Back by Popular Demand! Keys to Achieving Volume with Margin Online

On Monday, September 26, Auto Remarketing hosted a FirstLook Webinar.

We recorded this Webinar and would like to make it available to watch at your convenience. You are also welcome to share this Webinar with your colleagues.

Below is a recap of the topics covered in the Webinar:

With 88% of consumers going to the Internet before buying a car, and the average consumer spending 6.5 hours online researching, the “amateur” who buys a car every 2-3 years often knows more than the “pro” in the dealership. The transparency of the Internet can hurt closing rates and pressure profit margins. Yet, the Internet doesn’t have to mean the end of solid per vehicle profitability.

INCISENT Technologies, makers of FirstLook and MAX Systems has researched and analyzed the emerging online behavior and decision-making of the online car shopper. On this webinar, Pat Ryan Jr., CEO and Co-Founder of INCISENT Technologies will:

Speaker: Pat Ryan Jr.

Pat Ryan Jr. is the CEO and Co-Founder of INCISENT Technologies, makers of FirstLook and MAX Systems. Pat is focused on a single mission: helping businesses achieve unprecedented success by applying new thinking to traditional industries. Through his pioneering work in consumer optimization Pat often gives insight into how consumers think and make decisions, which he and his team are now applying to transforming online inventory advertising. He is widely recognized as an industry thought-leader and speaker as well as a regular columnist for major automotive publications.