Because of what it says is an all-time high in demand for transport carriers, along with the importance of route efficiency in meeting shipper deadlines, Manheim Logistics is enhancing its real-time auto transport marketplace that connects shippers and carriers.

The marketplace is called Central Dispatch, and Manheim notes that carriers previously spent a great deal of time searching for relevant vehicles to move.

With carrier efficiency and ease in mind, the company has now completely redesigned Central Dispatch’s new search experience. Manheim said that helps users spend less time searching and more time delivering vehicles. That, according to the company, benefits both sides of the transaction.

A self-managed transportation service, Central Dispatch matches dealers shipping vehicles with a nationwide network of professional auto carriers for inbound and outbound transportation.

With the new search experience on, carriers gain flexibility to create several searches at once, with multiple pickup and drop-off locations in a single view.

That means rather than continuously refreshing numerous browser tabs with different search criteria, they can now see all of the relevant results on one page. With real-time filtering and sorting, the process goes faster.

That results in more time to respond to shippers’ listings, and most importantly, more time to deliver vehicles.

With carriers now also able to view their searches on Google Maps mapping service, that will help them create efficient routes. Saved searches and paid notifications are a carryover from the previous search experience, and those help speed up the process even more.

Manheim said because the new Central Dispatch search works smoothly across any device and web platform, carriers can work more efficiently from anywhere. That is especially the case on mobile, the company said.

With all of the enhancements, carriers can build more profitable and efficient loads.

Because of that, shippers get their vehicles either to their lots or to an auction even faster. Also, at a time when high volumes at auctions have combined with a shortage of carriers because of the pandemic, Manheim says now is a good time for the new functionality.